Turbine Blog

Data in Different Forms: Customer Journey Tune-Up

Data in Different Forms: Customer Journey Tune-Up

About the Data in Different Forms SeriesOne of the unintended benefits of my career are the conversations I get to have with experts working in different parts of organizations, bridging needs to knowledge. These posts build on conversations with clients and friends....

CX and CS are Heading for a Conflict

CX and CS are Heading for a Conflict

(How’s that for clickbait?) It’s not that companies shouldn’t do all they can to improve how they interact with customers. Anyone who’s paying attention knows it’s a critical priority. Rather, the problem lies in how CS is growing within many...

Big Data: Stretch Before You Invest

Big Data: Stretch Before You Invest

A friend of mine, visiting my home, picked up the latest book I am reading and was a bit horrified to see that I had dog-eared my books (yes, oldschool hard-cover). The book, Stretch by Scott Sonenshein, shares the author’s research and other...

Startup Customer Experience: Building Customer Communities

Startup Customer Experience: Building Customer Communities

I've been getting this question a lot from startups so I thought I'd share my two-cents:“How should I start building a Customer Community?”For a startup, a strong user community can be a powerful tool for engaging customers and getting in-depth feedback on product...

How do you know what your customers want?

How do you know what your customers want?

After a recent Cantillon Club panel discussion I participated in, people seemed really interested in the question of “how do you know what your customers want?” That question is at the heart of customer centricity and customer obsession, and answering it...

(How to Repair) Corporate Learning Culture

(How to Repair) Corporate Learning Culture

As sales and marketing automation technology increases in complexity, will learning and development and sales enablement roles keep pace? Training is classically oriented towards compliance and certification. In many companies, learning and...

What you need to know about Penguin

If that title sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic, then there's a lot you need to know about Penguin. Penguin is Google's search algorithm designed to punish sites that use black-hat link building for Search Engine Optimization.And now, according to the...

Thinking Small with Big Data

Every minute of every day, consumers consumers create 1,820 Terabytes of data including: 90,000 tweets 695,000 status updates 11,000,000 instant messages 168 million emails 698,445 Google searches. Big Data is getting bigger but with all of...

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