AccelerateB2B: 1 Guest Expert. 1 Big B2B Question. 10 Minutes.
Technologies change fast, and we’re here to keep you up to date. In this episode, we’re talking with Brett Eddy, founder of Eddy Digital, about the B2B technologies you need to know about and how to put them to work for your company.
Brett Eddy, Founder and CEO of Eddy Digital
Dominic Canterbury, President, Turbine B2B
Brett Eddy: “Get out there and connect! Software is eating the world (still) and no matter the sector you serve, changes are high that you must deal with technology on a daily basis. Determine the most important thing to improve this year and start on the journey. Grab a friend, contact a partner, and elevate the conversation with conviction. At Microsoft, we had a saying: “The forgivable sin is making the wrong decision. The unforgivable sin is not making a decision”. So have some courage, get smarter and go do great things.”
Slide Deck: Technology Trends 2016 – Focused on Small Businesses